If your child sucks their thumb at an older age, their smile might be reaping the consequences. The unnatural pressure can affect the development of the smile and mouth. This is why it’s best to help your child curb their thumb sucking habit. They deserve a strong and healthy smile. To help you do so, Dr. Damon P. Swenson has some tips for you.
First, reward good behavior. This can help your child feel better about the situation and it can help them feel encouraged to keep up the good work. So, try to celebrate when your child chooses not to suck their thumb instead of discipline or criticize them.
Second, cover the thumb. Covering the thumb with a Band-aid or sock can change the texture and taste, which can make your child less inclined to suck their thumb. So, try covering the thumb when you think your child is most likely to suck it, like when they are tired.
Third, talk to your dentist. If Dr. Damon P. Swenson explains the reasons why sucking the thumb is bad for the smile, your child might feel like it’s more important to meet the goal.
Call CrossPointe Dental today at 801-224-7337 if you would like to know more about how to help your child curb their thumb sucking habit in Orem, Utah. Our dental team is happy to help you!