What Can You Use if You Don’t Have Toothpaste

Have you ever needed toothpaste, but not been able to go to a nearby store? If you have, you’re not alone. Still, do you know what you can do for your teeth until you’re able to get more toothpaste? Not brushing is definitely not the answer, since you could actually be hurting your oral health…. Read more »

Your Ideal Smile Can Be Achieved With Dental Veneers

A winning smile can be beneficial in so many situations in life. Many people with imperfect teeth will contact their dentist, Dr. , to explore their cosmetic restoration options. If the teeth in your smile have imperfections, like visible fillings, chips or deep stains, your dentist might recommend improving your smile with dental veneers. Dental… Read more »

How Dentistry is an Art

Here at , we consider dentistry to be an art. It is a way for our dentist, Dr. , to perfect the look of your teeth, and just like any other artist, our doctor is passionate about his work. We can make your teeth look amazing. How? Here are a few cosmetic dentistry treatments that… Read more »

The Function of a Partial Denture

If you’ve struggled with advanced gum disease, or you have multiple teeth that have suffered from advanced tooth decay, chances are good you’ve lost some of the function of your mouth. If you’ve lost multiple teeth in one part of your mouth might recommend fitting you for a custom partial. The process of being fitted… Read more »

Periodontal Therapy Can Improve Your Smile

Welcome to CrossPointe Dental, the practice of Dr. Damon P. Swenson where we offer comprehensive cosmetic, general and family dental care. We are pleased to offer periodontal therapy for our patients in Orem Utah and surrounding areas who are experiencing periodontal, or gum, disease. Dr. Swenson and our team recommend periodontal therapy to treat the… Read more »